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Old December 17th, 2007, 02:26 AM
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Default Re: LA R\'lyeh

Lingchih said:
Although the Forge was a pain in the *** to operate, I found it amusing that no one paid any attention to me, or tried to attack me, until I became bored and decided to attack Tien Chi along with MA Ermor. Even then, until the final turn, no one launched any really concerted attacks on me. I was continually pumping out items for LA Ermor and the rest of the Sinister Six. I had so many units forging, that I fell completely behind on research.
You were my hero with that forging!

The moment LA R'lyeh made their alliance with MA C'tis known I flushed every NAP down the mental toilet as I was going to need every little bit of advantage to have things go my way. I was going to attack MA Tien Chi immediately and bury him in undead, along with attacking LA R'lyeh everywhere I could.

I was probably going to officially invite EA Pan into our alliance as well.
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