Huh, an alliance between half the active nations, what's the fun in that?
Anyway, I wasn't too keen on going against R'lyeh with Ermor for two reasons. First, after R'lyeh would be gone, who is next? The latest recruit, quite probably. Second, R'lyeh had given me some support in time of need earlier (mind hunts here and there, nothing too big but a gesture nevertheless), unlike some other big nations. I'd rather have seen two big giant alliances hack into each other than be on the frontlines in conflict I don't have any part in.
And MA Agartha would like to thank Patala, EA C'tis, Jomon and Oceania for their generous contributions towards our war chest. I wasn't allied with any of those, but got hundreds of gems and loads of useful items with the farewell note "avenge me" from those nations when they were crushed. Most of you can rest peacefully now.