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Old December 17th, 2007, 01:31 PM
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Firewalker Firewalker is offline
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Default Re: Capuchin - Big newbie EA game - signup

Hephestus is going to be bull-headed about this. Threw a fit when it was mentioned to him that no talking monkeys were obtained and that, by the way, the hunting party was tap-danced to death. A couple Forge Lords were thrown out a window. Quite a scene.

Looks like we'll have to drive the tap-dancers off our continent now. It's a honor thing. You understand, nothing personal. And these forge lords are not real big on diplomacy. I try to explain to them about how magic is nothing to sneeze at, but they start growling, hurling unmentionable curses, and waving those hammers at me.

BTW, the forge lords tell me they will be happy to provide dwarven hammers for the paltry sum of 15 gems, if payment is in earth, fire, and/or nature gems.
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