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Old December 17th, 2007, 09:23 PM

Networkingguru Networkingguru is offline
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Default Re: Suricate - pbem LA newbie game - (OPEN)

Aapeli said:
Madness can be very harmful but only to us but to Rlyeh too. I was just attacked by an insane scout. Indies dont do well on the ranks of the dreamers.

Well, that's really not a big deal to him. Having played R'lyeh quite a bit, scouts are something you are glad to be rid of, and insanity doesn't affect your units enough to cause you any real stress, just annoyance. The real problems is R'lyeh's ability to generate hundreds of freespawns each turn (some of them quite good, unlike Ermor's). If he's allowed time, we are all toast.
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