Alneyan said:
<Bitter> Right. I've sent my Pretender to gun down a Skaven commander that was starting to really get on my nerves (and hopefully snatch one item or two from said commander). The mission was a success, and my Pretender routed the enemy army. Then I yelled 'Victory!' and my Pretender proceeded to cast Immolation on himself. Mind you, the other targets in the vicinity were utterly harmless, and my Pretender was 100% Fire Unresistant.
I did rather wonder what happened there

. I decided to interpret as your immortal pretender deciding it was time to incinerate his current massively afflicted corpse and return to your capital to get a new one

As for Ulm - well the rats are deserting the ship in droves as my lack of an economy of any sort starts to bite. As for my "ratling evocations" - well it is a case of if only I had some gems left to beef them up a touch. My artillery was obviously scripted incorrectly - most of the armour piercing/negating warpfire/warp lightening throwers all decided to go hand to hand (even before they all went beserk).
You really are able to pump out alot of those twice-blessed bloody penitents aren't you. They really do a fine job of dishing out the damage - winning the battle whilst various Skaven flavoured poisons slowly, too slowly

, winnow their ranks.
Skavenblight really cannot stress the need for the remaining powers in the north to actually do something to confront Ulms burgeoning power. They will soon be able to start papering over their gaps in the magic department and you will find yourself .... well like so much roadkill.
The Skaven have bought you time - and as our few remaining troops begin to desert in droves we curse you all ... and wish you well (and perhaps more success, I would say luck but that might be asking a little much)
The game has been fun though I am beginning to get a little tired of playing the role of llamabeast's speedhump. How many games is it now where I have cost you a couple of shiny mages, thugs or SCs before being ground relentlessly into the ground by your leader-lite armies ? More than one .... one day I hope to move from speedhump to brickwall, or at least some more effective traffic calming measure