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Old December 21st, 2007, 03:33 PM

Networkingguru Networkingguru is offline
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Default Re: Suricate - pbem LA newbie game - (OPEN)

Kadelake said:
I'll try to do a summary of the game. At least the parts I actually know about.

Ulm and I (Utgård) have had some border skirmishes but no real battles.

The undead war
Tien Chi and C'tis attacked Ermor and killed his armies. I joined in on a corner but didn't see much action. It seems like they are mopping up what's left of the evil undead horde right now.

Hordes from the deep
R'lyeh took the coastal provinces close to Man's capital and Man attacked R'lyeh in an attempt to conquer them. I don't know any details about the battle were the cyclops of Man was killed but it seems like Man got beaten bad. R'lyeh is now fighting a weak AI Man.

The fall of Maginon
I've very little details about this war but it seems like pangea crushed Maginon with very little effort.

Power situation
This is basically just taken from the score graphs.

I'm largest in size but most of my land is very poor. The second largest one is Pangaea who is by far the richest with R'lyeh holding a good second place.
Pangaea and R'lyeh also have and insane amount of forts, 6 and 5 respectively, with the rest of us having 3.

It seems however that Pangaea have sacrificed research in order to gain all his lands and wealth. He's holding the last place in research but do have a very high gem income.
Tien Chi dominates research but R'lyeh also have a very high spot.
I can fill in the details on the Man/R'lyeh battles:

- My Cyclops was killed due to R'lyeh reinforcing a territory with a large number of freespawns and Illithids supported by his Wyrm on the same trun I attcked it with a small conquering force of Defenders/Longbowmen/Heavy Cav supported by my Cyclops.
- R'lyeh then took that same force and conquered two more territories while I retreated to my castle to assemble a larger force.
- I then attacked R'lyeh with a force consisting of 25 or so Grand Thaumaturges, approx 50 longbowmen, 20 defenders, and 20 Heavy Cav. I was summarily crushed.

Unfortunately, I was not able to research thunder strike before R'lyeh began their land conquest, so my best offensive spell was lightning bolt. As R'lyeh essentially destroyed 80% of my army as well as 50% of my research force, there was no point in dragging out the inevitable.
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