Thread: Mod Worthy Heroes 1.8
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Old December 22nd, 2007, 06:28 PM
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Default Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8

Okay, today I decided to amuse myself by making some stats and descriptions for the hero pics I've made. I'm no expert at balance and thematical correctness, so these are 100% under the whims of the all mighty Quantum, the one who has the final word.

The grammar on these is unchecked. Expect to see some typoes.
- Hero for EA Atlantis. The claw is a copystats issue for darkvision, but that won't be a issue in 3.12. Hurrah!
- Hero for LA Atlantis.
- Hero for EA Helheim and perhaps MA VAnheim (don't they have Valkyries too?). I'm going to give the sprite a helmet on a later date (copystatting a Strom warrior gave her a helmet I can't get rid of, so he can't go around bareheaded). The "Death from Above" is a once-in-battle charge attack, supposing to give her a single attack with massive damage with her ridicilious ap, but charge damage bonus seems to be capped at 5 damage or just otherwise bugged. I was thinking that she could #onebattlespell Storm - I copystatted her to be able to fly at storms.
- Hero for all ages of Bandar Log. I admit the backround is a bit odd, but I kinda hate the way how Rakhashas, Palanakhanas.. etc just go "boof" in MA. They should have somekind of presence beyond some nigh uncastable spells. Besides, heroes are supposed to be extraordinary and slightly wierd.

With #onebattlespell, I was thinking that the Black Terror could summon about 5-10 of these at the start of battle, to make more effective assasin.
- Hero for EA Kailaisa. I'm going to add chains to graph later. I hereby admit that it has references to King Kong, but when making a backround for a huge badass ape, you can't just ignore the most famous ape fo them all. Thanks for Tyrian for giving me a kick start. It could also be possible to move him around a bit. Give him as "gladiator" type hero for EA Mictlan and have him escape between EA and MA. and give him to MA Bandar Log
- Hero for all ages of Bandar Log. Nothing special to say about about him. Just your basic multihero all around.

EDIT: The Attachment contains the mod I use to work these heroes. It contains the graphics and the code for the afro-mentioned units.
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