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Old December 22nd, 2007, 09:22 PM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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Default Re: Rats to go down with ship (slowly)

High priest Heinrich was again sitting behind his desk, sorting through reports from the front. It seemed that the war against the Skaven was going well, even if losses had been far higher than had at first been hoped.

Suddenly his assistant, Sigebert, burst into the room. This was most irregular - Sigebert always knocked and waiting for his master to call him in. But looking up, Heinrich saw that Sigebert was not his normal self - he looked flushed and disturbed - the man had clearly had a shock.

"What is it Sigebert?"
"Terrible news, my lord. It's... it's like the business in Skavenblight all over again."

Heinrich drew in his breath. This sounded serious.

"What? You don't mean to say the Bandar aren't human either?", he asked.
"No no, it's not the Bandar - it's the Abysians! They're not human, not even nearly human. They're monstrous, god-forsaken beings. Sir, they're born from the lava, spawn from the infernal fires. Sire, they're monsters!"

Heinrich considered the news gravely. But he knew there was little to ponder - stretched as it was, the Ulmish kingdom could not allow such a monstrosity to exist. War was inevitable.


The mighty kingdom of Ulm hereby declares war on Abysia. We will respect our three-month non-aggression pact. In the fiftieth month of the Ascension Wars, the Ulmish armies will be given orders to march into Abysian territory.
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