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Old December 23rd, 2007, 09:43 AM

Kojusoki Kojusoki is offline
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Default Setting up a FAST game.

Game Type: TCP/IP (static server)
Speed: multigen for the first 12-20 turns - later - quickhost but at least 1 gen per 24hrs.

We are looking for players who can play a few hours in a raw for the first 20-25 turns. Then we set to a qucikhost. Our games last usually for a week. After a week of gaming everything is clear

Era: Middle
Map: Warhammer
Players: up to 10 (experience requiered)
Start: when at least 4 players are ready
Nation Selection: without killing pop/disiese spread, and vanheim cannot take water bless (unless a neebie player)
Map: Warhammer, we play with other AI nations set to difficult
Victory Conditions: 1VP per capital, 10 random 1VP provinces, 13 VP needed to win.
Graphs: off
Hall of Fame: 15
Renaming: On
Indi's: 7
Starting prov: 3
Everything Else: Defaults
-we are located in Poland, +2GMT
-banned nations are nations spreading diesies and similar. Nations starting in water are allowed, but there are not many water provinces on the map, so its not the best idea to take them. But its allowed of course

-those who are interested, please send me an email at
biuro(@) - I dont usually look at private messages
- Ill email back with the IP, port and time when we start
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