Tharsonius said:
Networkingguru said:
Unfortunately, I was not able to research thunder strike before I began my land conquest, so my best offensive spell was lightning bolt.
The jab was not required. We are all newbies here, and hindsight is always 20/20. I focussed initial research on Wind Guide, which I DID get, and used to good effect. Had R'lyeh chosen to expand in say, Pangea's realm first, I'd still be in this game, and have Thunder Strike well before the need to attack R'lyeh came about. As it happened, my expansion was blocked on the north and east by nations I had NAP's with, and so my only expansion option was to hit R'lyeh (which was going to happen anyhow, sooner or later).
Your smart-@$$ed comment was definitely not appreciated. Luck DOES play into this game, and I don't think I made any seriously bad moves. I was simply over matched by a Uber-nation well before I had opportunity to research the spells I needed to defang them.