Thread: Mod Worthy Heroes 1.8
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Old December 27th, 2007, 03:52 AM
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Default Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8

Okay, I've been working on some more hero graphics. Comments welcome.

I've also a,used myself a bit more by working stats. QM will most likely tinker/finetune/completely revamp these ideas into something workable.
- Let's start with the "odd" one for EA R'lyeh. I didn't feel like doing your friendly neighbourhood mage hero with some extra pics, and I was itching to make use of that creepy white-eye stare that I managed put into the graphic. "Doom is Nigh!" (should be "End is Nigh!", I admit) is a range 25 attack that brings fear like a wail from 3 banshees. "Follow Me" is a range 25 attack that tries to enslave three guys. In my testing, he seemed to pretty good at expanging into independents, but will porabably roll over to anything with mr >12. He summons 6 of these per turn. I was also amusing myself with the tought of him casting "Doom" that also affects your guys. He'd then be followed by a mixed rag-tag bunch of enslaved and cursed followers.
Basic mage hero for EA/MA oceania. It seems that I forgot to give +2 encumberance for being mounted..
The forgebonus is 10%. He is the "price hero" for EA/MA oceania, giving good access to astral magic.
Basic melee hero for EA/MA oceania. I gave him 20% regeneration to prevent total suckage. If he needs further boosting, he could perhaps cast a wide area regeneration at the start of battle. Or have reinvogration.
Melee hero for EA and MA Caelum. Autosummons one Great Eagle every turn.
If the Storm Knight happens to die, this will be wrecking havoc for the rest of the battle.
Since the storm knight can't be in LA (LA caelum doesn't have temple guards), I quickly whipped this one up. The grapic is cheap, being basically a Ziz with the amulet slapped onto it.
Hero for LA Pythium. His base magic is F1D1W1N2H2 and he has 100% chance for one more in either F/D/W. He has gold cost of 600 gold (for upkeep purposes).

I'll be around for a week more, so if you have any ideas for ME Shinyama, ME Mictlan and LA Agartha heroes, speak up and I might do something about it .
I have now officially moved to the Dom3mods forums and do not actively use this account any more. You can stll contact me by PM's, since my account gives e-mail notifications on such occasions.

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See this thread for the latest info concerning my mods.
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