Tharsonius said:
That wasn't my point.
I had no intention to attack you, I only took 3 indi provinces (near my capital) and my pretender was already back in my capital when you attacked me.
But all your posts sound like I'm the bad aggressor.
You attacked with a small force while not ready with your research and got beaten. Thats all, no "Uber-nation" or something like that.
You attack me (and everyone else) with your domain, and your expansion that close to my capital really left me no choice. Besides, with R'lyeh, the longer I wait, the worse it ends up for me. Say whatever you want, R'lyeh IS an Uber-nation, and my only option was to attack while you were small enough that there was at least a snowball's chance of making an advance.
Oh, and that "Small force" consisted of pretty much everything I was able to produce from turn 1. I didn't lose much to anything else. That many mages is only considered small at that point in the game when you are going against R'lyeh or Ermor.