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Old December 29th, 2007, 06:22 AM
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Default Re: Questions about Curses and Healing

Okay, it's pretty simple, if you examine one of your units and it has a hexogram symbol on its list of abilities it's somehow been cursed and will suffer a high chance of gaining afflictions in battle, this is permanent and can not be removed.

As is the same with Horror Marking except that attracts horrors instead of causing a higher chance of battle afflictions.

Now as for item cursing, some items with curse the user and the user will be cursed for the rest of their life with an easier chance of obtaining battle afflictions.

Other items that are cursed in that you can not remove them is different, it's not really a curse, it's more of, you touch this item and it's molded itself to your skin, or something like that, it depends on the item, this too is permanent, unless if you bring a hero back from the dead with Ritual of Rebirth or if your god dies and is immortal and comes back it will lose the items or if your god dies and you call him back.

Um, can you understand all that? sometimes I over complicate things.
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