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Old December 30th, 2007, 03:23 PM
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theenemy theenemy is offline
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theenemy is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Fed Slayer is in the house

Hi there!
I've been hanging around on this forum for a while so it's about time I make a proper introduction.
I'm currently 16 years old and live in Sweden. Not Swedish by nationality but have lived here since I was 7.
I have been a gamer since my dad brought me a Nintendo 64 with the game Wipeout. Since then I have played quite a lot of games, my favorite genres have to be strategy and platform. I specially enjoy turn-based strategy games and have played Age of Wonders 2(which I didn't enjoy),most of the Heroes of Might and Magic series and Disciples 2(one of my favorite games actually) amongst others.
Other interests of mine are art(mostly comics and fantasy-based art, but hey; it's still art), literature(mostly fantasy, but hey; it's still
literature), music, history and drawing.
Oh, and I also hate sports... except for ping-pong, that sport rules. But other than that I hate sports.
Well, that's about it I guess.
My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?
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