Thread: Any Plans
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Old January 7th, 2008, 01:55 PM
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Default Re: Any Plans

Theonlystd said:

I've linked em all to the demo.. Again they cant get past the price. And really i find the demo pretty underwhelming it gives you basic idea about the game play but doesnt let a person truely appreciate the variety of nations and strategy not to mention mods .And all thats very important considering the lack luster graphics .

People have limited funds for entertainment products . 60 dollars for an indy game is a pretty big investment ..And the people im talking to arent big console gamers and most assuredly not the kind that drop 60dollars for a shooter that'll last em one day.. Not to mention PC games are usually cheaper than console ones so not even a good comparison.

So just curious if there are any plans about a price cut.
A few times during a year shrapnel games might provide a 10% to 15% discount. I purchase about 3 games during a year and would definitely recommend buying this game for any TBS gamer.
IDEA_1: If these friends are relatives you could buy them the game as a birthday present.
IDEA_2: You could also uninstall the game on your computer, let them have your copy of the game for one week thus you'll have to play other games. After a week passes they uninstall the game and return your copy of the game back to your hands. One week should be enough time to determine whether or not they enjoy the game. This idea will only work if these friends are honorable and local to your area.
IDEA_3: If any of these friends visit your house once a month or more then you can organize a hotseat game on your computer.
IDEA_4: If they play at least 3 different games in the demo those friends will probably enjoy it enough to purchase the game. At least that's what worked for me on the Dominions_2 demo.
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