Thread: Any Plans
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Old January 7th, 2008, 07:25 PM

Theonlystd Theonlystd is offline
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Default Re: Any Plans

S.R. Krol said:
@ Agrajag: Heh heh.

@ Theonlystd: As you can probably already guess, my feelings run along the same line as Capnq's response. I wanted to take a moment to further point out a couple of more differences.

The mainstream retail market has conditioned consumers to expect to see games marked down within weeks of release. Depending on how popular the game is, this mark down could be as much as 50% for those not selling well. Online retailers, needing to (a) compete with the brick and mortar world and (b) needing to sell in large volume typically mark down their games. Again, this creates a condition whereas the consumer expects to never have to pay full retail price for their game.

One of the initial reasons the indie world sprung up was to give the developers/publishers control over their own destiny, such as avoiding the scenario painted above. An indie developer can set their price and not worry that in two weeks after release they'll have to cut the price by 10%, 20%, et cetera.

And where does the money go between mainstream and indie games? For mainstream developers they're lucky to see even a dollar off of every purchase. Sometimes they see nothing.
For the indie developer though they're seeing a nice chunk of change for each purchase, which in turn means things like for the next game they can afford to upgrade their computers, hire more artists, and so on. Why would anyone volunteer to essentially take a pay cut as time goes on? Does anyone at a "normal" job say, "Hey boss, I've been here a month, please cut my salary in half!"

It's also interesting to me that folks sometimes expect indie games to cost less, simply because they're indie titles. I think some of that comes from the fact that too many developers undervalue their products, and sell everything for $19.95, although this has never been true for other publishers such as HPS, Spiderweb, or Stardock.

But here's some food for thought: in the real world outside of computer games "indie" products normally cost *more* than their mass produced items. For example, when buying a one-of-a-kind handcrafted bed you're going to pay more than a made in China, pressboard bed. So really, shouldn't indie games actually end up costing *more* than mainstream games, since they're handcrafted labors of love?

What if we strip the indie label though? Why not look at Shrapnel as simply a publisher who doesn't sell in brick and mortar stores?

In the end, hey, I know nothing I said above will ultimately make a difference for your friends to decide to open their wallets. People spend money as they see fit. But I hope it at least provides some insight as to why things are as they are.

Finally, yes, as I mentioned and as others have, there are periodical sales, although you won't ever see anything approaching 30-40% off. I just checked Amazon and they have it for $49.99, and it ships free. But no, don't expect any drastic price reductions in the near future.
Well i wouldnt be asking about this only a few weeks after release.. Its been over a year ..

And it wouldnt really be a pay cut unless of course the game is still selling at rates comparable to when it was just released ..

When you buy a 1 of a kind handcrafted bed some guy spent countless hours on making that one just for you.. Unless every copy thats sold is reprogrammed from scratch or something thats not a good comparison . The reason console games and such cost 60 dollars now is cause you need a team of hundreds working 8 to 5 for months at a time to get graphics up to the level expected . And thats also the reason people expect indy games to be cheaper is cause they dont have the costs involved in hiring a team of artists and all that. Which makes subpar graphics acceptable to.

Personally i think a price cut would help get some more people interested in buying the game and such..

But if you have no plans on doing that..Well its your guys game
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