Thread: Any Plans
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Old January 7th, 2008, 09:21 PM
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Default Re: Any Plans

@Zeldor: Actually you'd be surprised at how little advertising matters. What really impacts sales? Good reviews. For all the folks who say "Bah, I don't read reviews because the reviewers all suck/are on the take/only grade in 7-8/yadda yadda yadda" there is always an immediate spike in sales when a new review crops up. And if there is one thing that Dominions has gotten is plenty of reviews, from the smallest publication to the powerhouses. Hell, the Bruce versus Tom column in CGW (now GFW), which wasn't even a review, brought a lot of fresh eyes on the game.

@Theonlystd : The argument about cutting the price to attract more people crops up periodically and the response is always the same. At what point do you stop cutting the price?

It sells for $54. Okay, we cut it to $44. Now someone comes along and goes, "If it was only $10 cheaper I bet more people would buy it..." Okay, so it's now $34. And it goes on and on and on, until finally someone goes, "Hey, if it was free then you'd even get more people to play it!" That's fine if you're doing it as a hobby, but rather silly from a business perspective.

And really, no offense to those that argue that they'd buy it if it was only $___ (insert whatever price here) cheaper, but we're not talking about something that is selling for hundreds or thousands of dollars. Really, if you can afford $44 you can afford $54.

Oh, one last thing. Dominions 3 had more pre-orders than any other game we've ever offered, and has been in our top three sellers every month since its release. So yes, it continues to sell quite well.

As suggested have your friends check out the game. I'm sure they'll come around and realize they can forego something else in their monthly budget for Dominions.
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