Skavenblight Falls
The gates of Skavenblight have been breached and our remaining army has been put to flight. Our drooling madrat of a leader has fallen under the flails of Ulm and our greatest hero is no more.
Our ability to tie up even the meagrest portion of Ulm's armies is now gone .... beware the Kingdom of Man, blah, blah, blah.
Whilst it may seem rude to point this out I feel I should. I assume those of you remaining in the game have noticed the globals Ulm has up at the moment - globals that have been up for a while now .... you do realise something should be (have been) done about them.
Well we reap what we sow ... my inability to find an ally willing to stand against Ulm was telling. Thanks for the game - have subbed for someone playing Ulm Reborn so this experience of being beaten up thoroughly has been educational.