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Old January 11th, 2008, 08:59 AM
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Default Re: Supplies - Sending an army that will not starv

I wouldn't mind that, if someone did it for me. It's not like Black Hawks, Great Eagles or Ziz are overpowered atm. The fliers who already have high innate defense (devils, frost fiends etc) wouldn't get the bonus, of course, or at least not to such extent.

It's like what I've suggested for experience: some units start "experienced" but get the same malus for their stats. Devils would start with 0 experience (as far as Hall of Fame is considered) but four stars, and their innate abilities would be lowered so that (innate + experience) would equal their current stats. The fliers with good defense already use their flight to good effect.

Any way, this has little to do with supplies, so unless someone is going to make a mod to boost Caelians or fliers in general, discussing the merits of this theory doesn't help anyone. I'm sure there's something I overlooked.
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