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Old January 11th, 2008, 01:24 PM
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meister_miagi meister_miagi is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
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Default Re: Introduce yourself!! :-)

Hi! My name is Florian I'm 29 years old and I live in Trier, Germany. I've been playing Dom since Dominions II and I've had Dom3 since it came out but I only really got into it just recently. So I joined the Forums and have started playing my first multiplayer games which is a lot of fun. Before that I played some network games with my brother, who is also on this forum as rasko.

I've always liked Role-Playing games and that's probably my favorite aspect of Dominions. I also like good Real Time strategy games like Age of Empires 3. My favorite game that came out recently is Mass Effect, but I don't really have time to play a lot besides Dominions nowadays. Besides PC games I like to play board games, my favorite one right now is Twilight Struggle even though that can be really frustrating! I'm also into movies and music and some other stuff!
Hope to see meet some of you in MP games and in the forum!
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