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Old January 12th, 2008, 01:37 PM
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Default Re: Game talk

shard said:
Is there a clear winner? When I left I'd say Patala, with Agartha quitting but I'll have to admit I have no idea as to Ulm's capabilities. For myself there was a lot of enjoyment to be had with all the battles but in the end the micro got very exhausting - a lesson to be learnt there I think
Well, Ulm and I (Patala) are allied. So it doesn't really matter much which one of us had the better capabilities. I pretty much felt that after Man wasn't around to fight off our initial invasion, we had the game in the bag. I have about 30 useful artifacts, full magic diversity, lots of clams, and 3 Elemental royalty. Ulm has a huge blood income and blood army.

So I think we probably won. But honestly, I don't care much. There was just too much that altered the game to make it very fair. So if people would rather just call it a draw, that's fine with me.
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