And with Marignon's message this turn, the list of Shinuyama's friendly nations has dropped down to... 0. Greenish vs. the world time. But he has grown strong! Good luck.
Elsewhere in the world, Borale, the history-rich capitol of Ermor, lies burning and ravaged beneath a green tide of Bakemono. The consolidated Ermorian force made its stand there, but were winnowed by the devilry of Shinuyama's Council of Sorcerors for months before the first Shinuyaman siege machine rolled to the gate. Hundreds of soldiers were pulverized by meteors torn from the void, frozen solid by a fierce conjured winter, pierced through the heart by seeking arrows, or incenerated by flames from the sky. When the horde of grim-looking Bane Lords and Bakemono finally arrived, the defenders were terribly outnumbered and out-magicked. The Ermorian pretender known as Shan was abandoned by his masons in the rout and cut down by Greenish's right-hand Bane, Fuchia, who was made the new governor in honor of his bravery.