The world of dominions is rich, with many different civilisations, organisation and details. So I think it is possible to create a pen and paper RPG in this world (and some characters like Bogus make me think there is actually something like this

There is an amateur system on the net than may be adapted to make this RPG ( ) but it is actually in French. The system is relatively simulationist, with rules for cultural differences. It has no class or level and it is based on evolution by skills.
For recreate dominions world with system, many things are to do:
- French to English translation (and I am not very efficient for this work

- Magic theory and rules need some adaptations
- Clerical power are entirely to remake
- Races must be make (Ulmish, Firebolg, Partholonians, Centaur, ...)
- Ethnies by races (Vanheim and Sidhe for Partholonians for example)...
- Organisation (Crystal mage, Sage, Inquisition...)
- Rule for heroic power based on reputation (it is an important aspect of Dominions world, I think).
- Standard spell
- Bestiary
As you can see, this adpation need important work to recreate the totality of dominions world.
Who are interested?