Re: RPG in dominons world
Thanks, I've read the Ars Magica rules and would've played if I had the chance.
I guess I'm just a little skeptical of this PFPV system. I know nothing about it, it would have to be translated - would it really be that much better to go with it than some other, more readily available system? Allowing for differences between civilizations is good, though. Unfortunately, race differences are harsher in Dominions world. It's one thing to be from, say, Man or Marignon, and another to be a Caelian of any tribe. Or C'tissian. IMHO, allowing play between mixed races is one of the most important things the system needs. I mean, even if the playing areas would be centered between few nations, just having Jotunheim in allows for Vaetti and Jotun - and that's a big difference.
The Ars Magica system of one character, lots of thugs could work well. Or perhaps I'm just thinking in Dominions terms, where mages should always have bodyguards and non-mage heroes need units just to stay alive.
That's an interesting theory about "faith makes might". It could be represented by group of powers only available at higher levels, and you could only get and/or improve them a few times. Or perhaps they should just scale with your level.
Heh, actually it would make for a pretty good explanation of Dungeons & Dragons powercurve. "What do you mean you raided the Troll King's palace? When you left the village last Summer you had never even seen a sword!" "Oh, just ask around. EVERYONE knows what I've become, and as they say, stories grow in each telling."