Flight is a pretty nice spell for the Raksharajas, I think, at least early on. It's like a sniper attack versus those indies who have their commanders loitering around archers. Bless - Flight (make sure he is enough far away from any troops!) - Attack enemy archers. Tadah. I wouldn't use it against Hoburg Crossbows though, and it's not 100% risk free, but I like it. Much more effective than plain lightning bolt.
Also, for Anusaras, I sometimes make them in the very start when I can't affrod that many tiger heads. I put them on the flanks with orders of attack archers or attack rear. They are pretty fast and then to reach the archers/rear pretty fast. With the tiger heads on the front, it's a pretty tight trap and kills those "medieaval" infantry & archer indies dead. Maybe not world's most effective tactic, but I like it too, so the donkey heads are not completely useless IMO.