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Old January 15th, 2008, 11:28 AM

shard shard is offline
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Default Re: The Last Breath

Under the waves there was joy unconfined as news that the last of the heretics who dared to defy The Great Panjang's Benevolence have broken, abandoned by their false prophets by the Divine Righteousness of Panjang Himself. The minionry, so long chafing under the rule of the deviants, can finally look forward to peace and the rebuilding of their homes. The sharks wept.

Yet, Panjang is uneasy.

Already have the land dwellers on their mysterious hoofed steeds laid claim to the seas that are His by Right. Though they have learnt to venture into the waves no more, Panjang knows that greedy eyes forever lurk from without, looking for the chance to enslave his minionry. Next time, they may come without warning in greater numbers and power.

Panjang will have to learn about the surface world. Panjang will have to seek friends and teachers.
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