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Old January 15th, 2008, 04:46 PM

K K is offline
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Default Re: Lanka Guide (and Mini-Blood Guide) 3.10 Patch

Flight is a pretty nice spell for the Raksharajas, I think, at least early on. It's like a sniper attack versus those indies who have their commanders loitering around archers. Bless - Flight (make sure he is enough far away from any troops!) - Attack enemy archers. Tadah. I wouldn't use it against Hoburg Crossbows though, and it's not 100% risk free, but I like it. Much more effective than plain lightning bolt.

Also, for Anusaras, I sometimes make them in the very start when I can't affrod that many tiger heads. I put them on the flanks with orders of attack archers or attack rear. They are pretty fast and then to reach the archers/rear pretty fast. With the tiger heads on the front, it's a pretty tight trap and kills those "medieaval" infantry & archer indies dead. Maybe not world's most effective tactic, but I like it too, so the donkey heads are not completely useless IMO.
Unfortunately, these are two ideas I can't really support.

Flight tends to get Raksharajas killed, and at 270 a pop for a capital-only commander you do research and reanimating with, its something I just can't justify. If you were going to do it in an emergency situation, make sure to cast Air Shield first so that you hopefully last a few rounds. In the mid-game when you have equipment and Mistform, this tactic sees use but in the early game an average indie province can be taken by 2-5 Palashankas and an H2 with no losses, so tossing a Rakshraja with no equipment into the mix is just asking for a dead commander with little additional combat effectiveness.

Anusaras are also a bad move if only gold is your limit. For the gold, I'll take two Palashankas for three Anusaras any day of the week. Heck, if you count in sheer survivability and the effects of XP, I'd take one Palashanka over three Anusaras.

Someone else also noted that Anusara(donkey heads) have a map move of 3. I find that this is pretty useless as the rest of your army is generally move 2, including the Kala-mulka that do most of your magical leadership.
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