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Old January 15th, 2008, 07:23 PM
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Default Re: Entirely moronic question

Amhazair said:
I suppose they (both the Androphags and the Amazons) use some kind of poison that needs to be directly injected in the bloodstream to kill, but that is harmless when ingested, perhaps because the digestive juices can break it down or something?

I believe so -- at least in the case of arrow poison.

Quite a few are neurotoxins which interfere with either acetylcholine or acetylcholinesterase. The former is a neurotransmitter that's important in the process by which nerves stimulate muscle tissue; the latter is an enzyme which deals with acetylcholine. Both are found in numerous species, so these neurotoxins are not particularly specific. Block the former, and muscles relax; block the latter, and muscles contract. Since the continual smooth functioning of certain muscles is rather vital (the intercostal muscles and the heart tissue, for instance), interfering with either to an extreme tends to be quite lethal.

Since they're not specific to a species... I'd go with the metabolism-vs-bloodstream theory.
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