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Old January 19th, 2008, 04:45 PM

Xietor Xietor is offline
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Default Re: Ill Fate?

Astrologer Monthly:

1. Ctis had a 2d/2misf dominion scales, resulting in the ruin of many a province. Never ever take misf and death, as that makes for some very ugly depopulating random events.

2. Arcoscephale annexed a couple Eriu provinces to determine what scales a good nature race had. 3 death!!!??? Oh you cruel evil heartless taskmaster. How can you expect your people to worship you when you punish them so?

3. Bandar Log is the only race to not face war. Will that turn out to be a wise or foolish strategy? The stars will not tell all of their secrets.

4. Will the infamous Dr. P perish in a 3 way squeeze between Davy Jones Locker, the righteous crusade, and winged Angels?
For now he still draws breath.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.
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