Save the Monkies!
High Priest Raymond: Greetings most righteous followers of Taurvati. May he fill you with power!
Overly Zealous Crowd: We are filled with Taurvati’s wisdom.
High Priest Raymond: You followers have been very righteous. But it is now important that you be more righteous then ever. I am going to tell you a story.
Tithe Collector: (scowl)
High Priest Raymond: There was once this monkey, who happened to be born from a magic egg. The egg caused the monkey to think he was special, and because he did not grow up learning about the love of Taurvati, he got very greedy. Not being happy with what he was born with, he used evil and mischief to gain more power. He learnt illusion and flying, and bullied people into giving him magic items. Not being satisfied with even this he has done the ultimate evil. He has eaten the peaches of life and become immortal.
Flagellant Bob: How awfull. Then we must talk to him about the peace and happiness of Taurvati.
High Priest Raymond: We have tried that, but he has been filled with evil for so long he has not been listening. And even worse this monkey has formed his own kingdom, and pronounced himself king. This has kept our missionaries from teaching other monkies from learning about Taurvati’s wisdom.
Flagellant Bob: That is so sad.
Tithe Collector: (grunt)
High Priest Raymond: That leaves only one thing that we can do. In order for those monkeys to learn about the happiness that we all live in, we most get rid of the evil monkey king, and his co- conspirators. Only then, can the monkeys be saved.
Overly Zealous crowd: (chanting) Save the monkeys! Destroy the monkey king! Save the monkeys! Destroy the monkey king!
Flagellant Bob: I will beat the monkey king myself.
Tithe Collector: (hmmmmm) – he then takes off on his own some where. Presumably to make another statue.