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Old January 20th, 2008, 08:25 PM
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Default Re: Nation guide: MA Atlantis

It's really an excellent guide, Baalz. I realized the power of Kraken , but you made me look at many things from another side. Thanks. Actually, this is the best guide I've ever found in this community. That's my personal opinion. MA Atlantis as it is isn't really a top notch, moreover, in comparison with most of MA races, it seems to be one of the weakest. Well... It seemed It's just an another confirmation of the fact that not the race makes the game, but the player...
Just one question. Where do you expect to get nature for forging lycanthrop's amulet and ring of regen (and, probably, other tasks)? It's quite hard to get underwater as I don't remember any (rather common) underwater indies with nature except amber clans with 10% of one pick and a cost of 180.
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