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Old January 20th, 2008, 08:32 PM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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Default Re: Skavenblight Falls

Aaargh, seems we had a disastrous Turn 62. I took my turn very carefully, before somehow apparently forgetting to send my turn in, and driving to Wales to see a friend in a pantomime*. Then Alneyan messaged me to ask for a postponement (unreceived, me being in Wales). And for some reason Bandar staled too. So only T'ien Ch'i took his turn!

Anyway, the time has come for war. I had hoped to actually have my armies on your borders, but oh well. Let the battles commence!

I observe, incidentally, that I have a ridiculous number of bards/consorts in my territory causing unrest. Pests!

* - If you don't live in England, pantomimes have a different meaning to in the rest of Europe. They are musical comedy things which follow a curiously fixed pattern, with lots of cross-dressing. I think they're unique to the UK.
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