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Old January 20th, 2008, 10:05 PM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: Nation guide: MA Atlantis

Theres one or two very common underwater nature sites with are revealed without searching and give one nature gem income. You'll probably pick up a small nature income without trying, and as you've got nothing to spend them on over 20 turns or so this will build up enough to empower one of your KOTD who has an astral pick. Now, use that guy to sumon a Niad (using water gems). Now the Niad can cast haurespex for a couple turns until you've got enough to forge a thistle mace, at which point the guy you empoered can start casting haurespex as well and now you're into nature in a major way as your empowered guy can make a moonvine bracelet so your Niad can cast N5 spells. In Evermore that's exactly what I did to get the Mother Oak up and now Nature is my biggest income.
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