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Old January 20th, 2008, 10:44 PM

IndyPendant IndyPendant is offline
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Default Feohtan - Game started! Uploading pretenders.

Patch v3.14 is out, and llamabeast has set the game up. We are good to go!

Once pretenders are uploaded, the first turn will be set to 48 hours, and then it will be 24-hour quickhost until at least Turn 20. Once three people request it, I can extend the quickhost to 48 hours.

With llamabeast's endorsement (and a big thank-you to him too!) in the Valhalla forums, I'm going to set up an EA game played on the Llamaserver. Shooting for 12 players--10 land + 2 water--so we can use my starting locations in Edi's Cradle map.

All setting standard, except Graphs Off and Renaming On (Note: there will be independents in this game, for those that know this map from Forseti.) Worthy Heroes v1.8 will be the only mod.

If you stale twice in a row without contacting me or posting in the thread, you will be put on AI immediately.

The map will be Edi's modified version of Cradle, to which I have added fixed starting positions, to prevent unbalanced random starts (as much as possible, anyways). Here are the changes I made to Edi's Cradle Map:
--The starting provinces are: 76 (Oceania or Atlantis), 78 (R'lyeh or Atlantis), 18, 38, 37, 103, 99, 207, 172, 196, 148, 131.
--All the land nations will be assigned random starts from the above list when the game begins.
--For start 37, provinces 37, 41, and 54 are no longer Waste, 41 becomes a Border Mountain, and 25 becomes a Forest.
--For start 38, provinces 38 and 39 are no longer Waste.
--For start 103, province 93 becomes a Forest as well as Farm, and 94 becomes a Border Mountain.

Let's get signed up, pretenders in, and have some fun!

Mictlan - IndyPendant
Sauromatia - Digress
Fomoria - FAJ
Ermor - DryaUnda
C'tis - Wraithlord
Marverni - Aethyr
Vanheim - Valerius
Lanka - Parcelt
Oceania - klagrok
R'lyeh - Meglobob
Niefelheim - Jurri
Pangea - Baalz
Attached Files
File Type: zip 576666-Cradle (5.3 KB, 268 views)
MP Guide to MA Ermor
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