thejeff said:
Of course, the slaves only cast until they go unconscious, which happens sooner since they're casting. Easier to kill them off that way, too.
Also, the slaves only get the boost from path boosters they already have.
Here's a question though, if the master casts Summon Earthpower do slaves without any Earth magic get the reinvig?
I remember from another topic on communions that slaves get a boost to the paths they do not normally have for the purpose of calculating the fatigue they gain. In a communion of two slaves and one master, even a slave with 0 in a path will count as having 1 in that path when the fatigue is calculated.
Now, whether power of the spheres makes that 2, because the slave has a "pseudo path" of 1 due to the communion, or leaves the path at 1 because the slave's base path is 0, I don't know.
I will try it in my SP game as MA arcosephale. With astrologers and mystics, mass communions are easy to set up.