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Old January 22nd, 2008, 03:24 PM
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Default Re: Can a Mage be Both Communion Slave *and* Maste

Yrkoon said:
Now, whether power of the spheres makes that 2, because the slave has a "pseudo path" of 1 due to the communion, or leaves the path at 1 because the slave's base path is 0, I don't know.

I've tested that out and it's true, psuedo paths do benefit from boosts *when* they're acting as slaves (not casting themselves). When casting by themselves only the paths they actually have are boosted.

So for instance, scripting 4 S1 mages to be slaves, then having your masters cast power of the spheres and phoenix power will leave you with slaves quite capable of soaking up some heavy fire casting.

The other way to play that is having (for instance) 10 S1 F1 mages scripted to be slaves, then two masters (last in order) cast phoenix power and power of the spheres. Your slaves will now all be able to spam falling fires, and with only two masters they're unlikely to kill anybody off once they're done vomiting fire all over the battlefield and pass out. If you've got a B1 guy (who can sabbath Master) have him scripted to cast reinvigoration when you think the slaves will be passing out and you'll get 10 falling fires per turn for 6 turns. Not bad for f1 s1 mages and one b1.
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