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Old January 24th, 2008, 10:46 AM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: The Battle of Water and Earth

Agema, you've done a wonderful job in a rough situation. FWIW what I did would have taken the most veteran player unexpected. I attacked with no warning whatsoever, using thugs nobody could deal with at the time and hit every one of your provinces in two turns - you just had the misfortune of being next to me when I hit con-4. Honestly, if you had stayed dead when you were down to just a sieged capital (I badly underestimated Beowulf and was way too slow countering those knights) I would have been able to roll over Abyssia fast enough to have the forces ready hit T'ien Ch'i overwhelmingly the turn that war started leaving me with free troops to fight Arco or Ermor while skirmishing the other. The fact I wrote you off prematurely is directly responsible for my current woes.
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