Re: Swarm 2.5
Xox - I agree with your basic premise, but I also think a player has the right to *request* a change in the game, and if there's an overwhelming amount of support for the change then it can be implemented. If there's not a clear preference for the change among the players then the original setting stands, or if the host wishes to veto the change outright that's also his right. At that point the issue is closed and should not be brought up again, but I do not believe asking for a change once, politely, is considered in poor taste. I don't think that Argitoth's comment/query was out of line with that idea, so I don't think shooting him down the way you did was the most polite reaction available. ("I signed up for this game specifically because of the research setting and would not like it changed" should have sufficed to end the debate, and is much less combative)
Edit: And Argitoth, the sarcasm in your reply isn't helping anything either. That being said I'd be happy to team up with whichever one of you has the better bless units to roll over the other one =)