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Old January 25th, 2008, 05:50 PM

Xietor Xietor is offline
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Default Re: The Battle of Water and Earth

Bones addressed the faithful:

"Eriu is far from done. But while their Great Mother with 405 hps(in her dominion), 16 revig, 25 prot, and 86 regen, is fighting us, our friends are regaining what they lost.
So other nations should see little resistance in gobbling up Eriu Provinces.

Rumors spread by Eriu that Arcoscephale is attacking Tien Chi's capital are an attempt to sow dissension among the victimes of Eriu's aggression that have banded together to throw his Tuathians back into their own foul lands.

We have a mutual defense pact and a 3 turn nap with noble Tien Chi. And we have worked in concert with Tien Chi. And it is our intention to see Tien Chi occupy Eriu's capital.

Arcoscephale is not an aggressive nation. We treat with our friends, and wreck havoc on our enemies. Any race with a death dominion IS an enemy of Arcoscephale. And we are comfortable with our present borders.

While our forward army was defeated by the Great Mother last turn, we are pleased that our brave troops hacked so deeply into one of her giant legs that she now walks with a limp.

Our Astrologers have also marked the Great Mother for special attention should a Nation with Blood Magic desire to send a Horror or 4 to the province in which she dwells(180).

Now that we have seen the Beast, our Astrologers are busy studying methods to bring her down!"
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.
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