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Old January 26th, 2008, 07:29 PM

Networkingguru Networkingguru is offline
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Default Re: MA team game for new players, new thread

DonCorazon said:

I normally would agree with you if you were any nation other than Ermor but my understanding (correct me if I am wrong)is that Ermor grows exponentially stronger with its free summons as time goes on. I think the rule book even has a special section on dealing with Ermor.

I wish I had not started next to you.

That's LA Ermor. MA gets no free spawns. All MA can do is reanimate longdead, which is where you are seeing my military build up. As others have said, you are dragging us both down for no real good reason.

There are only a handful of uber-nations, an MA Ermor isn't one of them. That being said, if you want a fight, I won't be backing down.
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