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Old January 26th, 2008, 08:23 PM

Networkingguru Networkingguru is offline
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Default Re: MA team game for new players, new thread

Zeldor said:

But if he wins he can only benefit from the war. More gold, more gem income, more mages to recruit, safe border... So use your diplomacy, there are other players on the map that may want to help you. Or him.
Actually, no. Look at the score chart, I have very few territories, mostly due to the war. He is even worse off, I believe. He would have benefited more by attacking the indy provinces. Anyhow, I am reasonably sure I can win the war, that isn't the issue. The issue is that while I am gaining 4-5 provinces from this senseless conflict, I am potentially losing many more indy provinces because the units that would be expanding into that area are busy fighting elsewhere. Also, research will suffer due to my GT's having to reanimate constantly instead of researching. Any way you slice it, this is a no win situation on a map this large. Whoever wins will just be next in line to be steamrolled by someone who didn't waste their initial turns bickering over 5 provinces.

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