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Old January 29th, 2008, 10:29 AM

Wyatt Hebert Wyatt Hebert is offline
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Default Re: Bogarus Quick Guide

Another interesting point of Bogarus is the absolutely incredible amount of seduction capability. Granted, the early seducers are water-based (my first game's pretender was a W6/N6 Lady of Springs), but it's phenomenal.

My favorite trick was Skull Talisman on a Rusalka set to the way, way back of the screen. If the seduction fails (which it usually does), you just spam the skeletons until the enemy dies. The only person I lost to was (from Agartha) was his prophet. Managed to take down an Earth Reader, a Cave Knight commander (he broke eventually), and multiple other national commander types.

Another thought is to actually take Drain 2 or 3 for points. You'd get Cold 3, and their research bonus on their primary researchers means you aren't hit that hard for it.

Oh, and Baba Yaga is nutsily evil. ;D

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