Thoughts about Bogarus troops.
I am only one who thinks that this good looking troops should not be just waste of space?
If this nation modelled after trade cities of Novogorov, Kiev, etc... they should have decent citizen militia. I like slow movement for peshti (infantry) because they would not like to go away from home. But broadsword guys should be a bit better. At least 11 in attack/defense - they would have SOME soldiers that are OK on foot.
The black hoods (karakalpak) feel a bit wrong too. Why the heavy, full helmet? Kalpak is 'hat', and in this case, it's a fur hat - like mongols, tatars, etc... Leather cap at very best. And they should have bucklers - same for Grid Druzhina - eastern horse archers mostly had bucklers.
Actually, lack of shields is strange. The knyaz also should carry a shield, with 'coat of arms'. Why does black hood carry the banner anyway? They were displaced nomads, working as mercenaries. Not ones to carry flags. Give it to druzhinik...
As for magic, I find dominance of blood over nature strange. It would make sense if we get a 'middle era' Rus, based on nature, wise women, etc... But as it is, without back story, it feel strange.
By the way, I am not Russian :-) Not my fault that my name could be.