Re: Acouchi - MA game for new players (recruiting)
MA = Middle Age
ideally, all of the races are in a roughly equal range. I don't know too much, but from what I gather reading this board Pythium is considered on the stronger end of the range, while Ulm is on the weaker end; at least for MA.
To me, the advanced civilization historically based races like Pythium (Rome/Byzantine) and Tien Chi (Warring States Period China) are more complex to play. I think their advanced historically inspired base gave the designers a lot of material to draw upon when designing these nations.
On the other hand, clearly fantasy, historical-fantasy fusion, or non-civilized history based races are thematically simpler, and in turn more straightforward to play and design strategy for. Fantasy theme simply can't match real history for inspiring material, no matter how creative the fantasy, and designers didn't have as much to draw upon when designing these nations.
Ulm: Visigoths?, non-advanced historical
Bandar Log: India, fantasy-history fusion
Abysia: N/A, fantasy only.
Pythium: Rome/Byzantine, advanced historical
I think you will find the first three are simpler to play. Some people might contend that the complex races are stronger, but only in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing. A simpler race is going to be better for a new player.
I would then advise that you pick one of the fantasy, fantasy-history fusion, or non-advanced historical races to play; if your a newbie. These races feel simpler and more straightforward to play; and it is easier for new players to get more out of them as compared to the complex historically based nations.
Well, that's been my impression of nations in this game, and is my two-cents.