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Old February 4th, 2008, 03:25 AM

IndyPendant IndyPendant is offline
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Default Re: Swarm 2.5

It can be broken up, the piecemeal version is in the second post. And I would prefer just Scales and Pretenders, myself, although I'll play with complete if necessary. ; )

Edit: Oh wait, this is *that* thread.

The intentions of the original hoster of the game were in no way harmed or circumvented in the creation of this post. IndyPendant (heretofor "the poster") absolves himself of any intentions to argue the original hoster's intentions, and the poster absolves himself of any intentions of changing said intentions, for the duration of the Invisible Swarm game (heretofor "the game"). The poster fully and publicly recognizes the right of the hoster to set the terms of the game. The poster is only stating a preference, should the hoster decide to seek preferences of the players of the game.

That is all.
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