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Old February 4th, 2008, 03:24 PM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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Default Re: Why Not Digitial Distribution?

@llamabeast "...but because we love this game, and want it to do better."

And what's to say it's not doing perfectly fine as it is?
Sorry, I phrased that poorly. What I meant was "even better". I know this game has done very well, very deservedly. I just meant that if it were possible to extend the audience even further then it would be good to do that.

Let's see, just in this thread Saulot said, " I know Dominions is great and all, but who can't wait a week or two, for what is, in the end, just a game?" So is his view any less valid than yours?
Of course not. But let's assume 8 out of 10 people think like Saulot, and 2 in 10 like Jazzepi (I suspect it is a more even split than that). Well, even then you could gain a 25% sales increase by offering digital distribution! That's huge.

Personally I think a more extensive website with exciting descriptions of races and units, and links to AARs would also make a huge difference. Not many strategy fans could read a Dominions AAR and not want to buy it. Brad Wardell does AARs a lot for GalCivII, and they always go down very well. Here of course, the community can provide them.
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