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Old February 4th, 2008, 03:28 PM
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Default Re: Why Not Digitial Distribution?

S.R. Krol said:
@Jazzepi: "Especially in lieu of actually listening to your customers."

Come on, don't you mean because you don't get the answer you want?

Let's see, just in this thread Saulot said, " I know Dominions is great and all, but who can't wait a week or two, for what is, in the end, just a game?" So is his view any less valid than yours?

According to your way of thinking if some folks said that Illwinter should hand deliver the game with a basket of cheese and ale, then by God, that's what should happen because someone on a forum requested it. And if we the publisher aren't bending over backwards then we must not be listening to the customer, and we're a bad, bad company.

Why is it so hard to simply accept our answer? How about our customers actually listening to us?

As I've said multiple times, it doesn't mean that in the future it won't change. Heck, tomorrow we could go digital distribution. But today we're not.
Please save the hyperbole for someone else. You yourself, in your first post said "Here this goes again with the digital distribution." If you can't tell that a feature, which is becoming a widely accepted aspect of new releases (read, or Steam, or even your own digital download distro system), is wanted after, by your own admission, it's been requested multiple times, by multiple people, over a long period of time, then it's clear to me that the problem lies with your perception of how many people desire and could use the digital distro, not with the customers' demands for a "basket of cheese and ale" with dominions 3.

Lastly, "Why is it so hard to simply accept our answer? How about our customers actually listening to us?" because you're not paying the customer to come to your website. You work for me, however indirectly, because I, and everyone else who patronizes your distro center, pay your bills. You are in the very end beholden to the person that puts the food on your table. Just as the butcher is beholden to his customers. If they start asking for foie gras, and are willing to pay the price he charges for it, then he should start selling it. This isn't a complicated concept, it's simple economics. In the end, the customer really is, always right.

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