Re: Fallacy - New Game (Sign-up)
"Oh Great One! The horsemen have been repulsed with but the loss of a single life!" said the Orangutan Warmaster.
"Excellent news but We could wish for similar tidings from the lizards.." muttered the Titan.
As an added bonus my internet exploded this morning and I am forced to use friends comps till they come to fix it in a couple of days.. Good fun this especially under these circumstances.
In other news.. I think it a bit beyond the pale for 2 of the top 3 to attack at this juncture in the game so I am forced to use all the weapons available to me in order to attempt to survive.
With that in mind I encourage all can and who desire said leaders to be weakened to take action against the following targets.
The capitols of Pangea and C'tis are located at provinces 305 amd 236 respectively. C'tis has a very large army starving in province 187 (delay them and they will all get disease, it only has 30 supply) as well as another in 235. C'tis' pretender is currently located in 201, a PoD with 6 death and no other troops.
For those who think I go too far.. My capitol is located at 268..
All of this is occuring in the nw and west.
Sorry I was unable to get this info out earlier but the net was down!