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Old February 7th, 2008, 04:36 AM
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Default Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE

Please refer to the bug shortlist. I don't know what is forging without gems or something like that but when I call something a bug I refer to the link above. If the issue is in this list (or int the list in the bug discussion thread) then I consider it a bug. "Mists of deception - wrathful skies" bug you speak of is present there but just casting and retreating is not because it is not a bug, but WAD and I've read several discussions about this all of them saying the same. Battlefield enchantment ends _ONLY_ if the casting mage dies. If he retreats or teleports home, it stays in power until all the friendly units are dead. It is expected behavior, no matter you like it or not. And the bug with mists of deceptions _IS_ a bug, because that spell continues summoning units while another battlefield enchantment stays in power and these 2 enchantments support each other to an end and nothing can be done.
As for forging without gems it would be more honest of you not to threaten others with using it but to write about it to the corresponding thread..

Update: Hm, I recently found the issue in the shortlist. You are right and I am not. Really, I never thought it is considered a bug and didn't notice it before.
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