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Old February 7th, 2008, 07:26 PM
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Default Re: Turn 35

Ironhawk said:In addition to that tho, I was noting how CTis has apparently sacked the TC capital with no losses while I was gone. That was a real shocker.
Hello, excuse me, no losses...if we had not changed from 3.10 to 3.14 and reset the graphs, the army graph would show I destroyed half the national army of Ctis. Indeed well doing so I also destroyed most of Pangaea's army as well.

So to set the record straight I fought a 3 front war vs Ulm, Pan and Ctis and destroyed 1,900 (approx) out of 2,000 enemy troops that dared, dared I say challenge the considerable might of the barbarian kings. Sadly, those 100 ctis troops that survived were just enough to conquer my capital Tien Chi. This slight misjudgement could well spell the demise of the barbarian kings, sadly...

War is a *****...
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